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Neutrinovoltaic power supply technology without power lines

The development of Neutrinovoltaic technology got its start in the process of experiments to optimize the operation of solar panels: nanoparticles of various materials were used for experimental work in order to achieve the largest possible active physical surface to increase the efficiency of solar panels, but such experiments were not successful. It was noted that the test material showed signs of instability, with vibrations occurring that did not improve the surface of the solar cells. These vibrations, the origin of which at that time was inexplicable, forced scientists to continue work on amplifying vibrations, based on the assumption that if vibrations occur in a material, then they can be led to a resonance of atomic vibrations, and hence to a new type of electricity.

The principle of operation of Neutrinovoltaic technology is based on the ability of graphene to “collect” electric current from the environment, which was accidentally discovered by physicists at the University of Arkansas (USA). It turned out that graphene (a two-dimensional allotropic modification of carbon formed by a layer of carbon atoms one atom thick. The carbon atoms are in sp² hybridization and connected via σ- and π-bonds into a hexagonal two-dimensional crystal lattice) cannot exist in the 2D plane. To exist separately from each other, graphene must behave like a 3D material to provide the necessary stability. The “loophole” is the displacement of mobile atoms, which gives graphene the properties of the third dimension. In other words, graphene was never 100% flat - it vibrated at the atomic level so that its compounds did not undergo spontaneous decay. A group of physicists at the University of Manchester, led by Paul Thibado, proved that the matter is in the so-called "Levy flights" - patterns of small random fluctuations, combined with sudden, sharp shifts. On an atomic scale, physicists saw them for the first time. By measuring the speed and scale of these graphene waves, Thibadot suggested that they could be used to extract energy from the environment.

Holger Thorsten Schubart, CEO of Neutrino Deutschland GmbH and President of the international holding Neutrino Energy Group
Holger Thorsten Schubart, CEO of Neutrino Deutschland GmbH and President of the international holding Neutrino Energy Group

This task was successfully solved by scientists from the German technology company Neutrino Deutschland GmbH under the leadership of Holger Thorsten Schubart. It should be noted that all the characteristics of the innovative multilayer nanomaterial created by the company were obtained experimentally many years ago. The path from discovery to the start of commercial production of Neutrinovoltaic power sources was passed at an unprecedented speed for discoveries of this level. Holger Thorsten Schubart noted that “the need to generate electricity without burning fossil fuels and greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere is extremely important for the preservation of life on Earth, although now this problem has almost faded into the background amid unprecedented political confrontation and sanctions pressure on Russia . However, political crises sooner and later become a thing of the past, and the need to switch to new power generation technologies is a strategic task of mankind.” Pilot industrial production of Neutrinovoltaic power sources is planned as early as 2023, the company expects that industrial production of products will be launched in 2023-2024 in Russia as part of the Progressus Neutrino joint venture, registered with a Russian partner.

The uniqueness of the Neutrinovoltaic technology lies in the fact that a completely new way of generating electricity under the influence of neutrinos and other radiation fields has been developed, which became possible as a result of the creation of a multilayer nanomaterial deposited on one side of a metal foil, capable of converting various types of radiation to generate electricity. The nanomaterial consists of alternating layers of graphene and silicon with the addition of alloying elements (patent EP3265850A1) applied to a metal foil on one side. The coated side of the metal carrier is the positive pole, while the uncoated side is the negative. The vibrations of graphene atoms under the influence of Brownian motion are amplified by the external influence of the surrounding radiation fields, which causes a resonance of vibrations of graphene atoms, which is removed in the form of a direct electric current. Atomic vibrations at resonance make it possible to enhance the recoil of electrons upon contact with doped silicon. Graphene is a material that converts the energy of radiation fields, including the neutrino flux, into electric current.

Scientists from the University of Vienna, the Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (AIST) in Japan, JEOL and La Sapienza University in Rome have developed a technique that can measure all phonons present in a nanostructured material. Thus, for the first time, they were able to establish all the vibrational modes of autonomous graphene, as well as the local expansion of various vibrational modes in a graphene nanofiber. This new method, which they called "large q mapping", opens up completely new possibilities for establishing the spatial and momentum expansion of phonons in all nanostructured as well as two-dimensional modern materials. These experiments open up new possibilities for studying local modes of oscillations on the nanometer scale down to specific monolayers.

A group of scientists from MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) managed to turn graphene into a superconductor, through which electricity is transmitted without resistance. The discovery of the fact that graphene is capable of superconductivity will in the near future mark the beginning of a whole series of studies in this area. Since graphene is a key element in the composition of the material invented by Neutrino Deutschland GmbH, its superconductivity property will play a key role, especially for powering electrical appliances where a small and stable power supply is required.

Production site of Neutrino Deutschland GmbH in Frankfurt an der Oder
Production site of Neutrino Deutschland GmbH in Frankfurt an der Oder

Neutrino Deutschland GmbH has moved much further ahead of the work of all other researchers and the applied application of knowledge in this area and has secured its undeniable priority in the creation of electrical generating devices under the influence of various radiations, including cosmic neutrinos.

If we take into account that the level of radiation is a fairly stable value day and night, does not depend on seasonality, and the flux of cosmic neutrinos is constant and amounts to approximately 60 billion particles per second through 1 cm2 of the earth's surface anywhere in the world, then current sources,Powered by Neutrinovoltaic technology, they are guaranteed sources of electricity supply, which gives them serious advantages in comparison with solar and wind power generation, which depends on weather conditions.

Holger Thorsten Schubart comments: “It is very important to understand and not repeat the same mistake in the reasoning of our critics - the principle of operation of Neutrinovoltaic technology is not to “catch” neutrinos, but to receive additional microvibrations of graphene atoms, which are part of a superhard multilayer nanomaterial. In other words, everything that can increase the vibrations of graphene atoms is the “fuel” for electric current sources created using Neutrinovoltaic technology.”

The market-ready technology will provide consumers with independent energy sources in the near future, both for off-grid power supply for households, powering household appliances, and meeting the need for a safe and affordable, clean energy supply in many areas of everyday life, including electric vehicles.

Author: Rumyantsev L.K., Ph.D.


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