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Neutrinovoltaic confirms the possibility of fuel-free generation of Tesla's "free energy"

The whole history of mankind is a series of wars and armed conflicts.Any state can be returned to the "Stone Age" by destroying its energy infrastructure. Therefore, the task of creating a distributed power generation system and a gradual shift from centralized power supply to autonomous power supply is coming to the fore today against the background of the aggravated international situation.

Existing technologies of power generation do not solve this problem due to economic irrationality, in the first place.Autonomous power supply systems must be reliable in operation, do not require constant maintenance and be more cost-effective than centralized power supply.

Since the time of the brilliant Serbian scientist Nikola Tesla, researchers have been trying to find a way to master the so-called "free energy". Wikipedia gives the definition of "free energy" in this way - it is a thermodynamic state function, the same as internal energy, enthalpy and entropy. Free energy is the fraction of any first law energy that is available to do thermodynamic work at a constant temperature, i.e. work mediated by thermal energy.

If you turn to publications and videos on various resources, then you immediately find a lot of stories on FG (fuelless generator). The concept of FG is understood as a device that will generate electricity without the need to spend resources to rotate its shaft. The operation of any generator is based on the principle of generating electricity through the directed movement of charged particles. The reason why such a project cannot be fully implemented is the law of conservation of energy. To get some kind of energy, you need to expend another kind of energy.

Today, several FG schemes are known: the Tesla generator, the Hendershot generator, the Tariel Kapanadze generator, the Khmelevsky generator, the John Searl generator, etc.Of greatest interest from a practical point of view are FG, in which there are no rotating parts, is difficult to imagine placing a rotating engine in a house that still requires constant maintenance.

Consider a Tesla generator. One of the options for such a generator is given in the article by Viktor Korotun.Aluminum foil 900x300 mm is fixed on an insulating surface, for example, dry plywood or a polymer plate.The foil is connected to the capacitor with a wire (see Fig. 1).

Fig.1. Connecting insulated aluminum foil to a wire in a Tesla generator (image by V. Korotun)

The second terminal of the capacitor plate is grounded (see fig. 2)

Fig. 2. Connecting wires to the Tesla generator capacitor (image by V. Korotun)

V. Korotun in the article notes the main drawback of such a circuit, - “The power of such a device depends on the area of the receiver and the capacitance of the capacitor.And if it is still possible to select high-capacity capacitors, then creating a receiver the size of a football field so that at least a house can be uninterruptedly powered is quite problematic.

From this conclusion, a very important conclusion can be drawn: if the efficiency of the receiver (aluminum foil) is multiplied, then the scheme of operation of such FG will be working.

The idea of ​​such a FG was put into practice by a team of scientists from Neutrino Energy Group, led by a doctor of economic sciences, mathematician Holger Thorsten Schubart, who deposited a multilayer material of alternating layers of graphene and doped silicon on one side of aluminum foil. The optimal composition of such a material assumes the presence of 12 alternating graphene-silicon layers with a total ratio of 75/25%. A-4 size aluminum foil, multi-coated on one side, generates an electric current of 1.5 V and a current of 2 A, and after coating, the coated side of the foil becomes the positive pole, and the uncoated side becomes negative. The coating is applied under vacuum conditions in the absence of oxygen.

Holger Thorsten Schubart, president of the science and technology company Neutrino Energy Group
Holger Thorsten Schubart, president of the science and technology company Neutrino Energy Group

If to increase the generated power of the Tesla FG, a large increase in the area of ​​​​the receiver (aluminum foil) was required, then the appearance of various poles on the receiver of the Neutrino Energy Group company made it possible to place the receiver plates in a stack, like a pack of writing paper, i.e. they are connected in series. The serial connection of the plates leads to an increase in the output voltage of the pressed pack, therefore, by varying the number of plates, the required voltage is achieved. A pack of pressed receiver plates is placed in a sealed insulated case to prevent oxygen from entering it. To obtain the required indicators of the output current, several of these modules were connected in parallel with each other.

Currently, the licensed industrial production of Neutrino Power Cubes power sources in Switzerland with a net power of 5-10 kW is in the preparatory stage. Moreover, such current sources will have an electronic control system that will allow powering equipment with alternating current 220 V and 380 V, and will also have connectors for connecting DC devices. The start of industrial production is planned for the end of 2023.

Holger Thorsten Schubart concluded on the basis of the conducted research that the generation of electricity occurs due to the thermal Brownian motion of graphene atoms, the kinetic energy of the particles of the surrounding radiation fields, primarily neutrinos. Thus, he explains the design decision to apply a multilayer coating on a metal foil: “The multilayer arrangement of alternating layers of graphene and doped silicon leads to the fact that the forces between graphene electrons are “knocked out” of balance. The overall effect was what physicists call "skew scattering," where clouds of electrons deflect their motion in one direction, which is called direct electric current. In addition, it is extremely important to use pure graphene, practically without impurities, and to follow the technology of doping and deposition of layers of graphene and silicon, which are deposited in a vacuum, without access to oxygen.”

Thus, the discovery of a two-dimensional form of carbon - graphene and the applied study of its properties will make it possible to create a fundamentally new configuration of distributed power generation.The first steps in this direction were confidently and convincingly taken by the Neutrino Energy Group, announcing to the world about the creation of a unique autonomous DC source that can find its widest application in many sectors of the economy from power generation to the automotive industry.

Author: Rumyantsev L.K., Ph.D.


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