Science has found a way to generate electricity from the energy fields around us
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Science has found a way to generate electricity from the energy fields around us

The beginning of the fragmentation of the world market, which is observed as a result of the confrontation between Russia and Western countries, is, in fact, an inevitable process.The formed alliances of countries will compete fiercely with each other, primarily in the economy, the determining factor in this will be the possession of advanced technologies in various fields.

The current political situation in the world shows that the energy infrastructure is primarily at risk of destruction, as it leads to a complete collapse of the economy. The creation of the most distributed power generation system on the territory of the country has not only economic, but also strategic military and political significance. But a distributed power generation system must meet environmental requirements that exclude greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere, while minimizing the critical financial burden for the consumer.

None of the currently existing power generation technologies, including solar energy and wind generation, meets the listed criteria, since, along with direct dependence on weather conditions, the accumulation of solar panels and wind turbines over large areas becomes an easily vulnerable target.

Considering all the strategic factors, the main goal of creating a distributed power generation system is economic efficiency: the closer the source of electricity to the consumer, the lower the losses in the power grids, as well as the costs of their construction and maintenance of their performance.

The EU countries have set themselves the task of completely abandoning the electricity industry associated with the combustion of fossil fuels by 2050.The task is very difficult, but quite feasible.

In Germany, the private science and technology company Neutrino Energy Group proposed to equip residential premises with individual Neutrino Power Cubes with power generators with a capacity of 5-10 kW. These generators are compact in size and do not take up much space in the living room. Neutrino Power Cube with a net power of 5-6 kW will be produced in the form of an electrical panel (cabinet), which will conditionally be divided into 2 sections: an electric generating section, where the electric generating modules are located, and a section for installing a control system. The generating section of the Neutrino Power Cube with a net power of 5-6 kW will have a size of 800x400x600 mm and a weight of about 50 kg. The control system compartment will house inverters to convert the generated DC to 220V and 380V AC. The Neutrino Power Cube also has a DC connector for direct connection of a computer and various appliances and gadgets. Autonomous energy sources Neutrino Power Cubes do not have rotating parts, so they do not create extraneous sound or harmful radiation that would violate comfortable living conditions. The generated net power of the Neutrino Power Cube depends on the power loss when converting DC to AC with a voltage of 220 V and 380 V. Thus, a Neutrino Power Cube with a net power of 5-6 kW has a gross power of 7 kW. The source with a net power of 5-6 kWh has 6 power generating modules, the source with a net power of 10-12 kW has 12 power generating modules. The design features of Neutrino Power Cubes make it possible to increase the required power by connecting additional power generating modules, each of which consists of a set of closely packed metal foil plates with a multilayer nanomaterial applied to one side. One 200x300 mm plate produces a voltage of 1.5 V and a current of 2 A. Applying a multi-layer coating to one side of the foil results in different poles: the coated side has a positive pole, and the uncoated side has a negative pole, which allows you to place them on top of each other and pressed to obtain a reliable serial connection of the plates. Licensed commercial production of Neutrino Power Cubes will start in Switzerland in late 2023/early 2024.

HolgerThorsten Schubart, president of the science and technology company Neutrino Energy Group
HolgerThorsten Schubart, president of the science and technology company Neutrino Energy Group

Why should Neutrinovoltaic technology be considered a breakthrough technology in the energy sector?

For the first time, scientists led by the German researcher and mathematician Holger Thorsten Schubart managed to create a nanomaterial that is capable of converting the energy of the surrounding fields of invisible spectrum radiation into electric current. In fact, it was possible to create a fuel-free generator (FG) of the so-called "free energy". Unlike numerous researchers who are studying the possibility of creating a FG based on the rotation of a generator rotor, the Neutrino Energy Group's FG does not have moving elements, which significantly increases the reliability of its operation, and the absence of noise and vibration during its operation removes any restrictions for its placement in a residential area. or work space.

The patent for the invention states that the scientists applied to one side of the aluminum foil a multilayer material of alternating layers of graphene and doped silicon. The optimal composition of such a material assumes the presence of 12 alternating graphene-silicon layers with a total ratio of 75/25%. To increase the efficiency and reliability of operation, the nanomaterial is deposited on the metal foil under vacuum conditions in the absence of oxygen.

What role does graphene play in NEUTRINOVOLTAIC technology?

The use of graphene in a nanomaterial is logical, since it is the only material known to science today that is able to "collect" energy from the environment.Due to the presence of a hexagonal crystal lattice, the vibrations of its atoms lead to the appearance of a “graphene wave” on its surface, which can be observed with a high-resolution microscope.

Many people ask why it is necessary to use graphene, and not graphite, for example? Experiments carried out by the Neutrino Energy Group, the results of which were subsequently independently confirmed by ETH (Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule, Zürich) Professor Vanessa Wood and her colleagues, showed that when materials are produced with dimensions of less than 10-20 nanometers, that is, 5000 times thinner than a human hair , vibrations of the outer atomic layers on the surface of nanoparticles are large and play an important role in how this material behaves. These atomic vibrations, or "phonons", are responsible for how electrical charge and heat are transferred in materials. Taking into account that if the vibrations of graphene atoms, for example, are 100 times stronger than the vibrations of silicon atoms, then the superposition of the frequency of the external action of the surrounding radiation fields, including the effect of neutrinos, on the internal frequency of vibrations of graphene waves caused by the thermal Brownian motion of graphene atoms enhances such vibrations and leads to resonance of atomic vibrations. Atomic vibrations at resonance make it possible to enhance the recoil of electrons upon contact with doped silicon. The use of graphene with almost no impurities and the use of doping "forces" graphene electrons to flow in one direction, that is, an electric current occurs. The overall effect is what physicists call "oblique scattering," where clouds of electrons deflect their motion in one direction.

Commenting on the controversial discussions in the scientific community and the international press about the effect of neutrinos on the magnitude of vibrations of graphene atoms, Holger Thorsten Schubart is critical of the extent to which the public continues to remain ignorant of the new possibilities of energy generation despite the fact that the current state of knowledge in the field of neutrino particle physics , having a mass, offers real solutions to modern problems with fundamentally new approaches. “Particles of the invisible spectrum of radiation are able to provide people with more energy day in and day out than any of the dwindling fossil resources around the world,” say scientists from the Neutrino Energy Group. According to them, current research should focus on how to use this endless energy field around us for energy generation in the future, instead of continuing to "dig up the earth" as has been done for hundreds of years.

Author: Rumyantsev L.K., Ph.D.

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