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Fuel-free generators - development, on the verge of industrial implementation

The year 2022 clearly demonstrated how seriously the threat of an approaching climate catastrophe on Earth must be taken.

  • Over the past 500 years - the most intense drought in Europe and the United States,

  • Flooding in Pakistan, which inundated a third of its territory,

  • Flooding in Nigeria and Australia, etc.

Against this background, the completed climate summit COP27 in Egypt left a double impression.

Now, according to the UN, humanity is on the way to warming by 2.8 degrees. According to the 2015 Paris climate agreement, the world should stop the increase in global average temperature "well below 2 degrees" by 2100. However, specific measures to reduce the dynamics of the increase in the average annual temperature are not indicated. Developing countries have sought financial assistance to compensate for damage caused by hurricanes, heat waves, wildfires, rising sea levels and melting glaciers due to climate change. The creation of a compensation fund for the poorest countries affected by climate disasters is indicated as a priority, however, it is not clear at what expense the funding will come.

The COP27 final agreement contains a provision to increase the use of "low-emission energy", which can be interpreted as a transition to solar energy and wind power, hydrogen energy generation, as well as to the active use of nuclear energy, which requires serious investment funds. Such energy generation technologies include gas, which, although it is a fossil fuel, has lower CO2 emissions than coal. Regarding the use of coal for power generation, the position of the summit participants has not changed: its use should be gradually reduced, although in Europe, on the contrary, there is a revival of its use for generating heat and electricity.

It should be noted that politicians who talk about the need to switch to alternative energy, and for them it is solar and wind energy, are characterized by a misunderstanding of the ways of the energy development strategy in the next 30-50 years. Everyone notes at the same time that these two types of power generation, which are critically dependent on weather conditions, are seriously limited in their further development due to the difficulties in maintaining the frequency of the current in the power grid due to the “sawtooth” power generation. The problem is solved by building energy storage systems, or at least a pumped storage power plant, but suitable sites for building a pumped storage power plant are few, energy storage systems are expensive, and consumers are not ready to pay huge bills.In addition, there is a problem with the processing of spent solar panels and wind turbine blades, which are now simply buried in the ground.

At present, it should be noted that the direction of development is promising and the results already obtained on the applied application of energy generation technology based on the conversion of the kinetic energy of particles of the invisible radiation spectrum into electricity due to the emergence of new nanomaterials.

We are talking about the development of fuel-free generators (FTG) of "free energy". The concept of "free energy" unites the whole complex of different fields of radiation, and the task of science is to learn how to receive energy from them.Many researchers are working on the creation of the FTG, but the vast majority of them have focused their attention on the creation of the FTG by the action of permanent magnets on a rotating flywheel, which requires fine tuning. There are many works on this design, but clearly not enough to start mass production.

The second line of research is the search for materials capable of directly converting the kinetic energy of the particles of invisible spectrum radiation fields into electricity. This technology implies the absence of rotating parts, which increases the reliability and duration of operation between routine maintenance, which ultimately significantly reduces the cost of operating costs.Currently, there are several research centers that develop technologies for fuel-free power generation: the group of Professor Tibago (Arkansas State University, USA), the Materials Research Laboratory of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (USA) and the scientific and technological company Neutrino Energy Group, headquartered in Berlin under the leadership of Holger Thorsten Schubart.

All three groups of scientists independently came to the conclusion that graphene is a material capable of receiving an electric current from the surrounding space. As Professor Thibadot stated in an interview with Research Frontiers: “This is the key to using the movement of 2D materials as a source of inexhaustible energy.The tandem vibrations cause ripples in the graphene sheet, which makes it possible to extract energy from the surrounding space using the latest nanotechnology.” All these three research centers have achieved different results in the practical application of the discovery of the ability of graphene to collect energy from the environment: both American research groups have concentrated their efforts on studying the scientific basis of the discovery and have not found the key to the application of graphene for the needs of power generation, because of research and use only a monolayer of graphene, which is capable of generating very weak power.

Holger Thorsten Schubart, president of the science and technology company Neutrino Energy Group
Holger Thorsten Schubart, president of the science and technology company Neutrino Energy Group

In contrast, Holger Schubart and a group of scientists from the Neutrino Energy Group, using the fundamental research of world science in collaboration with universities and scientific groups to substantiate the practical results of experiments, created a multilayer material from alternating layers of graphene and doped silicon, which is applied to metal foil. The optimal number of graphene-silicon layers to obtain the maximum generated power is 12, the volume fraction of graphene in the material is about 75%. Such a power generating plate with a size of 200x300 mm is guaranteed to show a current strength of 2 A and a voltage of 1.5 V.

Crucial for industrial implementation is the fact that the side with the applied nanomaterial has a positive pole, and without - a negative one. This makes it possible to place the power generating plates in a “stack”, like a pack of writing paper, because.the impact of particles of surrounding radiation fields, including, first of all, the impact of neutrinos, as well as the influence of the thermal Brownian motion of graphene atoms, do not depend on how the power generating plates are placed: like solar panels that require a large area or one above the other, which is a serious advantage.

By applying the design of the power generating unit, in which the power generating plates are placed in a "stack" and pressed, that is, connected in series, the scientists managed to achieve the compactness of the FTG, so the generating compartment with a net power of 5-6 kW has a size of 800x400x600 mm and a weight of about 50 kg. The power generation capacity of FTG Neutrino Power Cube is stable throughout the day, regardless of the season and weather conditions.Such a FTG has several outputs for connecting equipment that requires AC 220 V and 380 V, as well as a USB DC connector. Unfortunately, the industrial production of FTG was delayed by 1-1.5 years due to the need to design and certify our own equipment for applying monolayers of materials on a 200x300 mm substrate. Currently, this issue has been resolved, and the first licensed production will begin in Switzerland in late 2023 - early 2024.

Assessing the results of the last climate forum in Egypt, Neutrino Energy Group President, mathematician Holger Thorsten Schubart comments: “Despite the efforts of all parties present and the desire to find the necessary tools to prevent a climate catastrophe, the event became more of a meeting of politicians and lobbyists and financiers. Instead of allowing scientists and researchers to actively participate in the work and take their comments and recommendations into account, the practical solutions of today's participants were aimed at finding solutions to eliminate the consequences of climate disasters, although today it is necessary to pay maximum attention to preventing the acceleration of the dynamics of climate change."

With the world's population just reaching 8 billion and continuing to grow, rising standards of living in densely populated regions, and moving away from fossil fuels and moving towards electric vehicles, the demand for electricity is increasing, so the development and implementation of such environmentally friendly and safepower generation technologies, like Neutrinovoltaic, is a condition for the continuation of life on Earth, and deserves the gratitude of descendants, no matter how pathetic it may sound.


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